Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The World Of WD--Post Holiday Blues

WD felt bad that she didn't have much to report this week, but I told her that all of you understand that every week can't be exciting, and that sometimes even in LA, life can be slow or blah or both.

And the phone still isn't ringing...

Happy New Year!

Hope your holidays were great. I spent some time in the midwest and had just enough
time in the cold for it to be novel.

Back in LA. Nice and warm. Lots of rain. The town is dead. They just started picketing again this week. It's been great catching up with dear friends at the In N Out.


It's been over a month since my meeting with my agent. Since that meeting I have worked the Ashlee Simpson Video, did MoCap for a major video game, booked a great supporting role in a fairly big movie, and I did it all myself. Of course even though I did it all myself I still have to give 10% to my agent even though my agent still hasn't called. Remarkable isn't it?

I've been home a week. I'm setting up meeting with managers and commercial agents.
Commercials are slowed down but still being made. I'm doing a play. It's a role that was written for me. And I love it. I'm writing and filming that webisode. Creatively there's no shortage. So while I am THRILLED with the new year. I have dubious feelings about my next paycheck.

Scary. It's time for a visit to the agents. I wish I could bring some thugs with me to "remind" them of how much they love getting me work.

But I can't do that...any thoughts?


Tania said...

I have no idea if this is a practical suggestion but - maybe it's time to find a new agent?
Yours sounds about as useful as Andy Millman's...

Production Girl said...


I hope things start looking up for you soon.

oh and it sucks about the 10% to an agent who hasn't booked anything in the last month.

schneefloeckli said...

Definitely time for a new agent.

We love your posts, even if they're as short as this one. Hey, it's always better than nothing at all!

Unknown said...


YahMoBThere said...

WD, that stinks! I would play hard ball with your agent and tell him or her that you're getting tired of doing all the work and if you continue to represent yourself, you'll keep the 10% for all of your hard work. Then remind them that no agent stuck with a person because they thought they'd be huge, they did it because they were doing their job. And if it turns out that you're the next big thing, you'll make sure that someone else is getting the cut of the action, not the agent who didn't stick by you to help you get there.

If you have trouble doing this, get my email address from EL and write me. I'm great at getting people pumped up for meetings.

~crazy peanut~ said...

Can I ask why you HAVE to pay the agent if they did SFA? Is there nothing you can do about it or is it just "one-of-those-hollywood-things?" :)

Kitty said...

What about the blind item reveals? -- like the political one.


Dijea said...

WD, I have to give you credit for going out and working it for yourself. It shows you've got a work ethic and not relying on everyone else to do the leg work. I for one, think its fabulous that you did that all yourself.

You might want to find a new agent though.

YahMoBThere said...

GRACE! Happy Birthday!

jax said...

im guessing its under contract no?
Wd tell your agent you'll give the best night of his life and to meet him at the Four Seasons..then call his wife and pretend to be his assistant and send her to the FS as well. conveniently meet them both in the lobby and explain that you are there for a meeting with your agent thus saving his ass.

i doubt he'll ignore you then.

hunter said...

I think you are doing a GREAT job.

Your agent sounds like a rotten, undermotivated and opportunistic person.

Best of luck.

Stacey Charter said...

Thanks for the update and happy 2008 to you as well WD. That sucks about your agent - but in reading the comments it sounds like you are getting some great ideas of how to handle him/her - not sure how it all works but if you can't get a new agent - is there someone higher up u can go to? show what you've done for yourself vs what your agent has done and ask them to light a fire under his/her ass? Good luck!

mooshki said...

Thanks for reminding me why I didn't pursue a career in the arts. :)

merrick said...

wd it sounds to me like you are your own best agent and pr person rolled into one .. pay yourself the 10% and use it extravagantly .. you worked for it.

best of luck in 2008 and cant wait to find out what movie you got yourself into!

Carte Blanche said...

Congrats on getting that supporting role in the movie on your own!

Things are looking up for 2008 :)

Mr or Ms Agent needs a kick in the ass.

Miss X said...

WD, I'm with everyone on this...why should you have to pay an agent when you are doing his job?

I don't know the ins and outs of Hollywood & maybe it's impossible to get anything without an agent (even if you are the one making the contacts). Or maybe you under contract with your agent?

Good luck with that. It sounds like you are off to a good start, in spite of the strike.

Tracee said...

WD, everybody's being nice. You should break his/her legs. That bitch will work much harder. I mean they might get the shakes whenever they see you, and might have trouble moving quickly, but no more twidling thumbs..uh uh. [wiping hands] Done deal!


Happy New Year!

dixiebell said...

Kids, there's a strike on. Noone is calling anyone. And God knows, you have to kick your people in the ass when it's business as usual to get them to do anything. Hey, what's happening with your manager? Where, by the way, is your manager?

dixiebell said...

Lately the breakdowns suck by the way. It's just sad all the way around.

GammaGirl said...
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