Thursday, April 26, 2012

Former NFL Player, Nate Webster Guilty Of Sex With 15 Year Old

Nate Webster played in the NFL for parts of six or seven years and now he might be spending about three times that in jail after being found guilty of having sex with a girl who was 15 years old. He admits to having sex with her when she was 16 which is the legal age of consent in Ohio. Yes, that's right, your 16 year old daughter can consent to have sex with a 34 year old former NFL player and you can't do much about it. A jury was convinced he also had sex with her when she was 15 and Webster faces up to 20 years in jail. He could have taken four years in jail as part of a plea bargain but he turned it down. I bet he will be thinking about that for the next 20 years. Of course that girl will be thinking about this for the rest of her life. Why as a 34 year old are you interested in a 15 year old? You have issues.


RJ said...

I always figure grown men who have sex with teens have zero confidence in themselves, especially sexually. A grown woman intimidates them on every level while an inexperienced girl is easy to impress and doesn't know enough about sex to recognize the difference in bad sex and good sex. Plus, so many girls now grow up with absentee fathers, they are thrilled to be getting attention from a man, even if that attention is horribly gross and inappropriate. Too many girls out there are just desperate for "love" from a man, regardless of the type of love.

EmEyeKay said...

Someone needs to introduce that judge to The Two Dads.

HannahPalindrome said...

I want to know why JLo continues to have sex with Casper...ewwwwwww

timebob said...

enjoy your "dates" in prison you perverted fuck head.

I agree with a lot of what @RJ said but I also blame the media making these girls feel so much pressure to be sexually active and all they have to offer in life is what is between their legs.

seaward said...

For real

Now! said...

Something similar happened a couple of years in Denmark, where I live - only it was a politician, not a football player.

The guy was the youth leader for the Social Democrats, which is pretty much like the Democratic party in the US. There was a 'teen camp' for young Democrats and this 34-year-old youth leader got some up-close-and-personal time with one of the 15-year-old political campers. He lost his job, but nothing else happened to him, because the age of consent in Denmark is 15.

Danish people are pretty relaxed about sex, but this pushed them too far.

joymama said...

Sad for her, sick of him.

Del Riser said...

I also agree with what a lot of @RJ said. I also think it is part and parcel of mom's not paying attention to who their daughter's are spending time with, and of course the whole absentee dad thing.
Kids need a grounded family to give them guidance, and if there is a parent absent from the scene a suitable adult *stand in* should be around from time to time to provide the balance every child needs.

As for the sicko guys who think underage girls are fair game, well, enjoy your time in jail.

Audrey said...

Yes, the media influences kids to become sexualized at an earlier age, but what about the media sexualizing young girls to adult men?

Let's face it, evolutionarily speaking, a lot 15 year olds are ready for pregnancy. Men are attracted to fertile women. I don't think it's "sick" for a man to be attracted to a 15 year old. That's just part of innate sexual desires from millions of years of evolution.

HOWEVER, what one "wants" no matter how innate it is, is not an excuse to go out and get it. We are human beings and we can control these urges.

califblondy said...

Aw jeez, what is this freaks' week? As the Mum would say "What's wrong with these people?"

Enty, we need a kindness blind or puppy/kitten video.

hunter said...


timebob said...


nolachickee said...

Looking at this fucktard's photo, he doesn't look like he did too well in the IQ lottery. That being said, even a moron knows that playing in the NFL = tons of hos and skanks ready for anything. Even if he's afraid of grown women, some of the groupies at least act like they're underage emotionally. So why oh why did he have to go there???

Bit dams said...

yay! he can be the little princess in prison now. they have special love there for child molesters.

personally, i consider this a "happy post"; bitch slapped by the legal system.

digal704 said...

I love how he says she was 16 not 15! Trolling for teens is downright pathetic and shameful. Next question is , " where the hell are her parents, guardians whatever?

Anonymous said...

@Audrey: Agreed except that men are rarely and truly held fully accountable by society for acting on their urges even if those acts are criminal both by moral and legal standards. Instead women are the ones expected to carry all the responsibility and the blame when men act like animals and exhibit zero self-control. Men get the excuse that they're just giving into their biological evolutionary needs whereas as women, we're provoking them by our mere presence and existence so we should have known better than to be at a certain place at a certain time or to trust that a man could ever be fully responsible and in control of himself. It's a nice easy life being a man.

Unknown said...

Also read that this loser is the father of 7 children with four different women. When does it end?

Audrey said...

@ Diana, Pleas don't misunderstand, I don't think any man should use the "it's how men are" excuse. That's when the highly evolved parts of the brain are supposed to kick in and he's supposed to control his urges. PERIOD.

I think he was completely wrong to have sex with the 15 year old. Even if that 15 year old has a low sense of self-esteem and threw herself at him.

nettalovesrobin said...


Jasmine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jasmine said...

I'm beginning to become convinced that 1 out of every 2 to 3 men in professional sports are truly amongst the most horrible, misogynistic people on the planet.

Sheesh- these men are the puuuurfect example of what happens to one's character when you give blind adoration and the no consequences to a population.

Also, all that Diana said.

Patty said...

Every week is Freaks Week.

Audrey said...

@ Jasmine - you have to have a very competitive and sometimes violent nature, to be good at professional sports. I'm not surprised at all.

Sherry said...

Co-sign with RJ and TimeBob. Freaks week indeed.

Jasmine said...

Audrey- good point.
Perfect example? Michael Vick.

auntliddy said...

Disgusting pig. No sympathy for him at all

BeeBeeOh said...

it was his coaches daughter--- and she flat out set this up hoping for a pregnancy. I feel bad for him. I saw the trial.

sylmarillion said...

Set him up or not - he had no business with a 15-year-old.

astrogirl said...

Wrong on every level. How many times do we have to hear that "I only slept with her after she turned 16" crap.

Anonymous said...

@Audrey: I didn't misunderstand your post, I think you misunderstood my response. I agreed with what you said, however, society in general allows men to get away with giving into their urges while expecting women to not only be responsible for their own behavior but to take responsibility for men's criminal and beastly behavior as well. Men are given carte blanche to essentially act like animals and are held to much much lower standards. It's not that they can't control their urges, it's that every excuse in the book is made for them while blame is solely or mostly placed on women who are expected to live up to ridiculously high expectations.


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