Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The First Person Voted Off Dancing With The Stars

If you really want a nice big paycheck and not much work to do, then sign up for Dancing With The Stars and be voted off in the first week. I was actually kind of shocked with the results because I thought for sure that Betsey Johnson would be voted off first. The designer had a show at Fashion Week and probably didn't have much tome to rehearse and it showed during the performance on Monday. However, she managed to hang on for another week. In the end, the person voted off was Lolo Jones who was not a big hit with the judges or fans who criticized her for not taking things seriously and she seemed like she had never practiced even though her first time partner said they practiced 4 hours a day for nearly a month. It didn't show. 


sandybrook said...

Lolololol Jones stiff as a board, not used to having a man's body close to her. Couldnt move and had a sucky attitude.
#teamcarlton bitches!

Kat has left the building said...

That's not fair. Betsey had a boa malfunction that wasn't her fault. Lolo not only can't dance for shit but her attitude was horrible and she didn't smile once. Betsey couldn't finish her dance but at 72 decided to add her cartwheel and split with a huge smile.

Beetlejuice said...


Unknown said...

betsey has the fashion vote (if they even watch this show)

lolo is so pretty but she wasnt having a good time and wasn't going with the vibe.

Unknown said...

T.E. let's wheel out the stereotypes, of course the fashion loving Gays are watching a live dance competition!


discoflux said...

Lolo was being totally rude and inconsiderate to her pro after their dance. When they showed that backstage stuff she said that she didn't want to be there and was just very cold to her partner. I was glad she went home.


Unknown said...

@vera, lovely, i wasnt even thinking men at all... i was guessing shop-a-holic women who love her whimsical designs, frilly dresses, and eccentric fragrances, like me... but yeah, let's get accusatory with stereotypes.

Unknown said...

Ha!@boa malfunction!

LottaColada said...

Lolo was being such a sore loser on GMA this morning.

Pip said...

Lolo sucks.

Texaz said...

@vera: it looks to me like T.E. Said pretty much the opposite of what you're upset about

Unknown said...


Glad I don't waste my time watching "Dancing with the flies"

witwritergirl said...

Not a clue who Lolo is, but my first impression of her Monday night was " wow, what a crappy attitude." Maybe not who you want to be if participating in any venture which counts on votes from the public.

witwritergirl said...

Not a clue who Lolo is, but my first impression of her Monday night was " wow, what a crappy attitude." Maybe not who you want to be if participating in any venture which counts on votes from the public.

Commontater said...

I was all set to give cutie Sadie Robertson a few votes until she pulled the Jesus card. She seems like a terrific kid and did a great job despite never having danced. But what was she doing on DD picking out a prom dress if dancing is forbidden at her school? I just cannot abide pandering to the Christians on DWTS. Some will vote as if they're casting votes for Jesus himself. Plus I can live without the telecasting of the pre-dance family prayer. If they want to, fine. It should be between them and Jesus. But I betcha Jesus gives not one half crap about this dancing contest. Sorry to go all Kanye. And to non-fans of the show: Watching it makes me (and others) happy. If you coulda seen Alphonso dancing like a scalded dog, you would've been fighting the urge to smile.

Sherry said...

LOL Meme! Perfect.

Kelly said...

Lolo was awful. Dancing and attitude.

KerrieDC said...

Lolo got voted off purely because of the major bitch face - of both the resting and mobile variety.

Kat has left the building said...

You said it @Common! I was like, what are they so afraid of about dancing that they need to pray before? I was really wondering what they were asking for. For the girl not to break her leg or win? I wish they kept religion off the show.

Unknown said...

Lolo seems like an unpleasant person. I wonder if she wasn't fairly attractive would we even have ever heard of her?

Commontater said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commontater said...

The Fundies are the main ones who carry on and on about it. The thing is, these ppl grab those votes for Jesus rather than their skills -- much like Bristol Palin garnered Tea Party & Republican votes all the way to the finals where she did NOT belong. Thanks, KHLTB!

TheBarberLady said...

I would vote Lolo Jones off of almost anything if I had the chance. She's really "unpleasant".

Michael said...

LoLo made over $135 thousand just for signing on and the practice time so she made out okay. She needs to work on being more likable. She has a marketable face but a non marketable personality

mikey said...

LoLo's I'm a virgin comment through me over the edge. I'm not convinced it's by choice.

Commontater said...

I actually was feeling a little bit sorry for the woman cause she revealed her prom date ditched her after their first dance, but I admit I can understand why he did after watching her being a meanie (and wooden performance). God bless her for trying, though. She needs to at least pop for some sort of hard and vibrating non-marital aid, so maybe it would help her sour disposition.

Unknown said...

T.E. - sorry! I was being playful, didn't come across well.

Brooke said...

Funny recap of Dancing with the Stars!

Sugar said...

She sucked major donkey balls and uptight and intense with no sense of humor is NO way to get through life! Buy bye Lolo!

Also, I think Jonathan Bennett is high on eyeball crack. They are going to pop out of his head if he's not careful.

Betsy Johnson and Tommy Chong all the day long! I also got bristly when they showed the family prayer of the ducks before the dance. God don't care about DWTS!!!


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